Within hours of face to that day Take it easy
fully assume my errors, or almost always assume, or almost always, I realize that I fucked up, but it's so hard to say sorry I fucked up.
I assume that I do things no desire to fuck anyone in my crazy impulsive things do not reason, only I do and now. Made after the break down and tell me .. fucked up.
This week not so good that I say, I still think I hurt a friend by accident, I still think I failed and I can not even keep his eyes as before. Love her, appreciate her too, I admire for having the courage to continue as if nothing happened when in the background is crumbling like a house of cards. I admire her for being able to maintain joy or apparently well. I can not, I could never, never save me from tears I could if I wanted to mourn, I could not stand and the bathroom was the door to escape. Enclosed within four walls could burst into tears, I could drop a little all the pain that takes my soul.
Yesterday I had my first performance for Mother's Day, and I left in two. I cried for the fact of seeing my daughter perform on stage, to see their excitement when I was looking from the stage.
cried for the sight of all mothers with a fellow that engreía and hugged.
I did to deserve this, that I failed to see me face, I almost started to his feet, begged him not go, do not leave me please, please, I love you so much.
My soul is broken, hurt, hurt. Not for someone who could appreciate what I gave, but the fact of being torn to pieces and never thought to see me. I never imagined
feel no self-esteem, not wanting to luchármela, I can still believe what they want. I have never afraid to fall in love and I was afraid, was the girls who even took the first step when I felt the boy of her dreams would take forever to say, want to be me?. I have fear of ever seeing eyes for a few minutes a guy I like, hesitation when we talk about anything, I shout, I get stupid and the worst part is that half the world and realized, less, or want to believe that realize.
And if you do not like, and if I want, and if you only see me as his leg, and if and if and if. I try to give back to the subject, to meet again, trying to be Dina was, but it is not nothing, absolutely nothing. And again the fear again, and I collapsed, and again I fuck up and fuck the fuck I should not, and I lock myself again in my bubble, hoping that someone took the plunge and pop the damn bubble with a pin and I say, live women, live, breathe, smile, I look desire to be the, who cursed me out of that bubble, while only flying in a bubble close to mine as well get along with, but not if it is on the right. Whether it be, who should be, whether it be the one who get me through this torment.
the meantime do not want to screw up, I do not scrub anything, I shut myself up, to see and say nothing, do not hurt anyone, no charges have not owing to my conscience, tell me every night, sweet dreams and dreams have not cursed. I do not want to live, I am not making sense in life, if not for my daughter, had disappeared long ago, it's so easy, so easy. But I want someone cried for me and not crocodile tears, I will not only tears my parents, my brother or my daughter, I want the tears of someone who loves me, not as a mother or daughter or sister. I want tears of those I love, to me, as my being, my laughter, my. I want to take a nice married name, may never have it, dying to have a son of man who loves with all the strength of my heart, I love again, but I have a huge fear fear fear I have ever had it in all my life, I have fear of falling in love with you, not I, I should not. But I did, I walk away, I'm doing, I do not want to hurt anyone, enough with me. I want to take a nice married name and not go to the nest or work and keep listening: Ms. Prado, as mine, so cold, so my last name. My mother I would say I'm desperate to find husbands. No I'm not, I'm desperate to find a partner who is different, a partner with whom to laugh, mourn, get a beating, eat popcorn, play with, love. I have so much love in me, as a penalty at this time. I am preparing for Mother's Day tomorrow, where I only bow to my parents, my brother and my daughter ... of course also my dog. But die-out of receiving roses and a card saying I love you, you are unique. Die if not just the damn day fast, I wrap myself in my blankets and not come out, thinking that this day does not exist. And stand up straight in on Monday, only to go to work and forget everything, even me, until you.