you trying? I got tired
Again, start again, same story without end. Nothing I can blame you, I let the cruelty. I do not expect you to come back, but I will not let my mind Hermes with your silly ideas when speaking. You pretend to mime it, that you intend to find?. Today my mind and do not understand this silly way of acting. Not return to the same, today I'll find, just trying to make a way, but do not hang out with me when walking. Nothing is easy, no more loose ends to tie, only the cold of my room tonight, but do not think so I'll call you. Everyone is on its way, every one who seeks his place, so do not think that everything will change. I've done my life, and it does this, if you believe that your actions erase the wounds, then you never truly understand me. You pretend with your caress, you're looking for really. They found nothing, because nothing is already there. I do not feel anything, anything for you already.
of the chest of memories of June 10, 2008.
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