Thursday, December 30, 2010
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this year now ending has been a breaking point in my life, I look back not to take stock, but to remember and be thankful for many milestones, travel, people, occasions or simple moments that allowed me to find myself, with others and my environment.
thank these two sections of the Camino de Santiago de León to Santiago in March and Roncesvalles to Logrono in September and all the people I met, I spoke with, who encouraged me, which I encouraged.
thank the workshop hospitable in Logroño in the month of April and the two occasions when I could practice as such in Samos and in Salamanca. The people I spoke to, what I saw and felt, made me deepen my sense of the Way and the desire to continue learning and improving in that noble and centennial service.
thank the many trips this year: Florence, Pisa, Alicante and Altea, Cordoba and Granada, and the beautiful Cantabrian Mountains in the stressed in particular the discovery Cabuérniga Valley, Fuente Dé and the crossing of Cares.
thank the very short hours three times a week've been initiated into the paint. The affection of the teacher, the fellowship of students, and the stirring of the most cheerful youngsters have been a constant encouragement to tackle this challenge and defy the aging neurons.
also thank the recent session of gymnastics at the Senior Center and the zeal with which my colleagues and I strive to exemplify. Perhaps achieve someday pick up a coin off the floor without bending the knees.
thank the Library of Suances and Torrelavega and librarians for their kind and inspired all the help provided throughout the year and I remember in particular my fellow book club who so often I have sacrificed for other destinations.
thank in particular the assistance of all persons who have written me, and I continue to write, to send me recipes or give me ironing boards, who sent me pps and those who are there to when needed, which I call the phone and call me, who walk with me and pushing me to do so. All and all, at heart, Thanks!
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MUA Museum of the University of Alicante
The city of Alicante has one of the most impressive campuses Spain. Installed in the grounds of a former military airfield able to install the various faculties in a green environment, shrubs, parks, gardens, ponds and parking places which are accessible only by a circular road that surrounds the entire complex.
The campus itself is also an impressive building that resembles a giant wooden crate inaccessible half-submerged in an artificial lake crystal. It's just an optical illusion. The alleged lake is just a thin layer of water on the roofs of the workshops and teaching rooms surrounding the main building of the museum and hidden from view the courtyard surrounding the main building of the Museum. Opened in 1999 by architect Alfredo Payá and is mainly devoted to contemporary art and the investigation of current artistic trends.
If the continent is in itself shocking, this time it has been even more thanks to the exhibition under the title "history (History nostra)" the museum dedicated to the painter Antoni Miró Alicante (Alcoy, 1946). His paintings interpreting iron sculptures as well known as Picasso's Guernica or The Magritte schoolteacher around the front of the pond and further enhance the massive silhouette of the museum.
The city of Alicante has one of the most impressive campuses Spain. Installed in the grounds of a former military airfield able to install the various faculties in a green environment, shrubs, parks, gardens, ponds and parking places which are accessible only by a circular road that surrounds the entire complex.

I do not feel qualified to make a critical analysis of this artist but I can tell you based on elements of pop-art and language of social realism, much of his work is the work of complaint: shows like "America black "," Dollar "or" Slave and enslaving "are proof of this, as are the tables devoted to reporting the devastation of the coastline.
can also consider more recent works about the war in Iraq and an extensive series on art and museums in which the appellant would highlight the work most notably "La Gioconda in Havana."
never heard of this painter, whose name perhaps I was overshadowed by the famous Joan Miro, but I was surprised, shocked and with big desire to know more about his work and painting.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
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Paper Birds Spain 2010
Address: Emilio Aragón
Duration: 122 minutes
With exceptional script by the Argentine Fernando Castets (The Son of the Bride, Luna de Avellaneda), the story interweaves the daily lives of the artists rehearsing their parts, making sure the daily meal and sharing friendship, support and humor, with different times of the Civil War and in particular to a conspiracy in which they are involuntarily involved.
The theme continues to remind us "The trip to nowhere" by Fernando Fernan Gomez, but I think on this occasion what particularly focused our attention on the masterful interpretation offered by Imanol Arias and Lluis Homar. Both give the film a strong emotional charge that is precisely what draws the merely anecdotal. Lluis Homar overboard the role of homosexual discreet and sentimental while Imanol Arias, representing the artist's life and beaten by misfortune and whose stern countenance and complicated inner life hidden deep tenderness that struggles to rebound. Carmen Machi, with his insightful interpretation of the "star of vaudeville" brings a smile and sometimes laugh at a movie that she had been leaning dangerously towards the excessive melancholy.
Overall a well-directed film, made with exquisite taste in which the ingredients are dosed mood wisely and pathos of difficult years with a heartfelt tribute to a profession and all within the context of the times dedicated Civil War and the Franco regime.
Paper Birds Spain 2010
Address: Emilio Aragón
Duration: 122 minutes
There are films that strike us to the point to keep in our mind weeks or even months after seeing them for the first time. This is what happened to me "Paper Birds", a film directed by Emilio Aragon on the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying tribute to vaudeville in general and in particular to all artists, found their own ancestors that despite the hardships of hunger and kept the torch lit the profession during the civil war and early years of the dictatorship.
With exceptional script by the Argentine Fernando Castets (The Son of the Bride, Luna de Avellaneda), the story interweaves the daily lives of the artists rehearsing their parts, making sure the daily meal and sharing friendship, support and humor, with different times of the Civil War and in particular to a conspiracy in which they are involuntarily involved.

Overall a well-directed film, made with exquisite taste in which the ingredients are dosed mood wisely and pathos of difficult years with a heartfelt tribute to a profession and all within the context of the times dedicated Civil War and the Franco regime.
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Paper Birds on the Road Plate
An astronaut on the cathedral
Visitors to the Cathedral of Salamanca is struck by the curious story of the astronaut who can be seen in one side of the North or Door Cover Palm, but not always give an explanation of this curious presence.
Obviously this is not a prophetic vision of the builders of the cathedral or a hoax of some students a night of drinking.
His presence and that of other elements added due to the strict compliance with the National Artistic Heritage Act in its Article 30 reads: "preserving, strengthening and rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts avoided, except when used parts original thereof, and may prove its authenticity. If adding or parties necessary to maintain stability or additions need to be recognizable and avoid confusion mimetic. " Just
in 1993, to proceed with the restoration of the home seriously damaged by the ravages time, the artists Juan Iglesias and Miguel Romero responsible for restoration, in strict compliance with the law and to avoid confusion with the original parts of the facade added to the identifying features that differentiate restored to clear the additions of the parties original.
The restoration was carried out on the occasion of the exhibition in Salamanca "The Ages of Man" whose theme this year was "The counterpoint and his dwelling." As a counterpoint and a symbol of modernity, precisely embedded restorative beds astronaut but also a lynx, a bull, a dragon with three scoops of ice cream, referring students, and the three elements of Salamanca: water, sky and earth represented by a crab, a stork and a hare.
An astronaut on the cathedral
Visitors to the Cathedral of Salamanca is struck by the curious story of the astronaut who can be seen in one side of the North or Door Cover Palm, but not always give an explanation of this curious presence.
Obviously this is not a prophetic vision of the builders of the cathedral or a hoax of some students a night of drinking.
His presence and that of other elements added due to the strict compliance with the National Artistic Heritage Act in its Article 30 reads: "preserving, strengthening and rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts avoided, except when used parts original thereof, and may prove its authenticity. If adding or parties necessary to maintain stability or additions need to be recognizable and avoid confusion mimetic. " Just
in 1993, to proceed with the restoration of the home seriously damaged by the ravages time, the artists Juan Iglesias and Miguel Romero responsible for restoration, in strict compliance with the law and to avoid confusion with the original parts of the facade added to the identifying features that differentiate restored to clear the additions of the parties original.
The restoration was carried out on the occasion of the exhibition in Salamanca "The Ages of Man" whose theme this year was "The counterpoint and his dwelling." As a counterpoint and a symbol of modernity, precisely embedded restorative beds astronaut but also a lynx, a bull, a dragon with three scoops of ice cream, referring students, and the three elements of Salamanca: water, sky and earth represented by a crab, a stork and a hare.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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hospitable in the Camino de la Plata
Convento de San Esteban
Probably one of the visits which impressed me most in Salamanca was a visit to the Dominican convent of St. Stephen. The dimensions of the monastery church with its facade plateresca and ship more than 40 meters high in the cim
Borri, speak for themselves the power and grandeur that characterized a religious order directly associated with the prestige of the University but also, unfortunately, the courts of the Inquisition.
enjoyed the walk along the upper and lower cloisters ran while on a visit at the request of Queen Isabella to Christopher Columbus made them defend against the Dominicans learned geographers of the University, the ability to reach the Indies by sailing West.
overwhelmed by the visit to Old Chapter House, before the actual construction of the convent. There could have learned instead the considerations and the not so holy privilege wrested from the Kings to be the only religious order with a mandate to bring doctrine to the New World.
Once again the human and the divine are inextricably intertwined in the actions of men. To not limit myself overwhelmed to contemplate the harmony of the cloister or the beauty of the staircase that links Soto and it was the work of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón.
Convento de San Esteban
Probably one of the visits which impressed me most in Salamanca was a visit to the Dominican convent of St. Stephen. The dimensions of the monastery church with its facade plateresca and ship more than 40 meters high in the cim

enjoyed the walk along the upper and lower cloisters ran while on a visit at the request of Queen Isabella to Christopher Columbus made them defend against the Dominicans learned geographers of the University, the ability to reach the Indies by sailing West.
overwhelmed by the visit to Old Chapter House, before the actual construction of the convent. There could have learned instead the considerations and the not so holy privilege wrested from the Kings to be the only religious order with a mandate to bring doctrine to the New World.
Once again the human and the divine are inextricably intertwined in the actions of men. To not limit myself overwhelmed to contemplate the harmony of the cloister or the beauty of the staircase that links Soto and it was the work of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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hospitable in the Camino de la Plata Camino
Calixto's Orchard and Melibea
In the shadow of the Cathedral, on a ledge of the old wall found in Salamanca in famous garden and Melibea Calixto. A variety of trees and plants, a romantic hole in its center, and the exquisite mime who devote Town Hall employees have made this a romantic dating spot, following the example of Florence and other
cities, the place where love come to seal their commitment to engaging a lock on the arc of the pulley and then throwing the keys into the depths of the pit.
It also found a beautiful monument to the main character Celestina Comedia de Calixto y Melibea more commonly known as La Celestina. Despite the academic dispute about the authorship of all or part of the work, it is usually attributed mostly to Francisco de Rojas who studied and lived in Salamanca. The work enjoyed multiple redición and extensions but it is generally accepted as princeps edition which took place in Burgos, in the house now occupied by El Meson del Cid "in front of the Cathedral.
recommend Visit at sunset, when you only hear the relentless struggles of swifts, and we can sit on the wall of the city leaving the view to miss the imposing mass of the cathedral lit arising from the dense woods like a ship on fire.
Calixto's Orchard and Melibea
In the shadow of the Cathedral, on a ledge of the old wall found in Salamanca in famous garden and Melibea Calixto. A variety of trees and plants, a romantic hole in its center, and the exquisite mime who devote Town Hall employees have made this a romantic dating spot, following the example of Florence and other

It also found a beautiful monument to the main character Celestina Comedia de Calixto y Melibea more commonly known as La Celestina. Despite the academic dispute about the authorship of all or part of the work, it is usually attributed mostly to Francisco de Rojas who studied and lived in Salamanca. The work enjoyed multiple redición and extensions but it is generally accepted as princeps edition which took place in Burgos, in the house now occupied by El Meson del Cid "in front of the Cathedral.
recommend Visit at sunset, when you only hear the relentless struggles of swifts, and we can sit on the wall of the city leaving the view to miss the imposing mass of the cathedral lit arising from the dense woods like a ship on fire.
Monday, December 13, 2010
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hospitable in the hospitable
"Art Nouveau" in Salamanca
not expect to find in a city such as Salamanca and Scholastica Renaissance palace and a museum such as the Casa Lis. In a palace built in Art Nouveau style, characterized by a splendid conservatory which looks at
l Tormes, the city has hosted a superb collection of diverse objects from the early Art Deco last century.
Stresses n different objects on all of those who have adopted Lalique as its known dragonfly logo, the distinctive collection of vases and lamps, Gallé, whose imitation he had learned to appreciate during my trips to Romania and the extensive collection of dolls of the past century.
The museum is complemented by regular exhibitions on topics related to the time. On this occasion I could admire issues related to dance and the beginning of the century cabaret in Paris, Berlin or New York.
"Art Nouveau" in Salamanca
not expect to find in a city such as Salamanca and Scholastica Renaissance palace and a museum such as the Casa Lis. In a palace built in Art Nouveau style, characterized by a splendid conservatory which looks at

Stresses n different objects on all of those who have adopted Lalique as its known dragonfly logo, the distinctive collection of vases and lamps, Gallé, whose imitation he had learned to appreciate during my trips to Romania and the extensive collection of dolls of the past century.
The museum is complemented by regular exhibitions on topics related to the time. On this occasion I could admire issues related to dance and the beginning of the century cabaret in Paris, Berlin or New York.
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Salamanca plays with light
During these fifteen days Salamanca, realizing that I come as the day I discover new facets in this city full of old stones, young life, retirees and people in quiet, curious tourists and souvenir compulsive collectors.
Must see Salamanca on a sunny day when the sun seems to caress the friable limestone to make blush in golden splendor. If the day is cloudy, the monuments are no less beautiful. The facade is off, turn gray and invited to enter into cloisters and palaces to see the serenity of the cypress trees, the silence of the wells, the watermark of the balconies or the silence and recollection of the walls. I like Salamanca at night when old stones burn under the glare of the spotlights, shadows enhance the beauty of a floor, the bustle of the square becomes bubbly and the whole city seems to have forgotten that it's bedtime.
During these fifteen days Salamanca, realizing that I come as the day I discover new facets in this city full of old stones, young life, retirees and people in quiet, curious tourists and souvenir compulsive collectors.

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hospitable in
El Primero Precious
statue on the banks of this gentle, winding embracing Tormes Salamanca's waist. It reminds us of the amazing couple and evokes all the sparkle and wit of our picaresque.
I have lost several times along the river, to observe it in different lights to fit it under different angles. I look at that old man who looks at the sky because their eyes empty and desolate heart prevent him from approaching the land. Leaves town and walks steadily building on the skeletal boy with an absent, seems to be plotting their next ploy to get some food.
In this time of crisis, I think we should Lazarillo all of us, to enable us to survive, because we "make do", because the times require us to sharpen the wits, to change old ways, using new skills or simply shorten our goals , diet needs and be willing to be content with less.
statue on the banks of this gentle, winding embracing Tormes Salamanca's waist. It reminds us of the amazing couple and evokes all the sparkle and wit of our picaresque.

In this time of crisis, I think we should Lazarillo all of us, to enable us to survive, because we "make do", because the times require us to sharpen the wits, to change old ways, using new skills or simply shorten our goals , diet needs and be willing to be content with less.
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