Paper Birds on the Road Plate
An astronaut on the cathedral
Visitors to the Cathedral of Salamanca is struck by the curious story of the astronaut who can be seen in one side of the North or Door Cover Palm, but not always give an explanation of this curious presence.
Obviously this is not a prophetic vision of the builders of the cathedral or a hoax of some students a night of drinking.
His presence and that of other elements added due to the strict compliance with the National Artistic Heritage Act in its Article 30 reads: "preserving, strengthening and rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts avoided, except when used parts original thereof, and may prove its authenticity. If adding or parties necessary to maintain stability or additions need to be recognizable and avoid confusion mimetic. " Just
in 1993, to proceed with the restoration of the home seriously damaged by the ravages time, the artists Juan Iglesias and Miguel Romero responsible for restoration, in strict compliance with the law and to avoid confusion with the original parts of the facade added to the identifying features that differentiate restored to clear the additions of the parties original.
The restoration was carried out on the occasion of the exhibition in Salamanca "The Ages of Man" whose theme this year was "The counterpoint and his dwelling." As a counterpoint and a symbol of modernity, precisely embedded restorative beds astronaut but also a lynx, a bull, a dragon with three scoops of ice cream, referring students, and the three elements of Salamanca: water, sky and earth represented by a crab, a stork and a hare.
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