Monday, January 31, 2011
Which Is The Best Midrange Av Receiver

Kate's Playground Wikapedia
Old Clown
1917-1920 Oil 102 x 75.5 cm Private Collection
is about the closure of the large exhibition that the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao has been offering to Georges Rouault (1971-1958). While still a young student in France, I saw somewhere, a window box or you and I was captivated by the serene air of sad resignation that comes from his painting. Disciple, like Matisse, Gustave Moreau, soon moves away from Fauvism and experiments with a realistic painting, which is set in the human condition, the circus, the dancer and prostitutes generally all that behind a mask or other pain are hidden and can not keep his eyes peek. Deep Christian convictions, every man sees in suffering, the image of Christ mocked, and over the years his stroke his back thicker, perhaps recalling his years as an apprentice glazier, and paint material is loaded until it seemed almost a bas-relief.
"Old Clown" painted between 1917 and 1920 is a good example of this. He said the painter on "After the bright mask, all hide a tormented soul, a drama" This is a message that Rouault launches with images of clowns. A contrast here is clear: the white makeup, the small hat or decorated and festive attire is merely guess that emphasize character wrinkles, her big eyes and, in short, the expression of infinite sadness his face.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Can I Freeze Chow Ming
Torrelavega snowing when we left, we continued to snow between Reinosa and Carrales and fall Pesquera de Ebro was laborious at times for coaches that led to the 84 hikers who started this sixth stage of the GR 99 that runs along its more than 1200 Km Ebro margins start playing today in Pesquera de Ebro, silent at that hour of Sunday morning. It's cold but the sun shines elusive fuel only makes us step. In fisheries catches my attention coat of arms and especially the curious legend on the facade of a house. Except for brief stretches of road, when entering or leaving the villages, the route, beautifully marked, runs right next to the river here, and once you have dug a large, leafy bed, gentle runs between beech, oak and gall.

Disconnect Line Letter
lucid thinking and reasoning fools are inherent to mankind and can flow from us at any time, as Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
In the era of ICT , the power of censors and publishers each less decisive for something to be known widely, whatever. For better and for worse, the filter life is expiring.
Accordingly, an essential difference between our time of web 2.0 regarding previous history of mankind is that never before banality and vapidity so easily have been published, disseminated and spread.
Hearing / reading certain litany of nonsense by some other means, one wonders if the flock is actually devolving or, having been so from the ages of ages, is so far when we realize the true extent of the problem .
PS: as soon as that eventually could be applied to this blog and its author.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Toys Like Female Genitals
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Is It Okay To Swallow A Bit Of Diluted Listerine
Melancholy spring
Riding a white horse with golden chair
my husband went to war. Under
silk curtains,
Hardstyle-opisy Na Gg
Mario Vargas Llosa Alfaguara 2010
454 pages
Mario Vargas Llosa
just received the Nobel Prize for Literature for his prolific and brilliant literary career. Offered us a few weeks before his new book "The Celtic dream "which, as in the past, away from the pure fiction to enter a fictionalized biography that is a resource used by writers to rebuild a life from the most important milestones in the path of the character studied. The landscape, the secondary characters, the dialogues are obviously fabricated. The reader accepts the biographical novel by without asking what is accuracy in the details, but requiring much change in interpretation of the character, motivation and possible feelings of the person addressed.
is exactly what I missed in this work by Vargas Llosa that although written in flowing prose and sometimes dazzling, it does be a documented chronology of a contradictory character that we would like to know better.
In effect Casamento Roger (1864 - 1916) that presents in this book Vargas Llosa is an Irish civil servant employed by the British Foreign Office to conduct a fact finding mission on abuses of the colonizers and rubber companies in Congo and later in the Putumayo region of the Peruvian jungle. Of course, such research can not ask for more. First in the Congo then in the Peruvian jungle, Casamento performs a repetitive, almost obsessive collection of outrages and horrors, which are worth the title of "specialist in atrocities "but that the reader not only tired but just desensitized to such barbaric precisely by those who arrogate to themselves as bearers of culture.
Witnessing this exploitation has been documented in our character to look the other kind of exploitation as the nearest that the British Government has over the Irish subject. There comes nationalist streak in him and binds body and soul to the groups fighting for Irish independence. This leads to increasingly radical positions to the point of siding with the Germans and conspiring against England under the assumption that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" caught trying to carry German weapons to the Irish rebels during the First World War, was imprisoned and finally executed in a prison in London in 1916.
This part is precisely what I believe is least successful in the novel, because although Vargas Llosa reveals progressively casamento homosexual tendencies, we do not see any question at any time, fighting internal conflicts of interest and on their obligations as a British subject and maternal Irish roots. Too shallow to accept that a career diplomat commits treason without even once questioning whether "the end justifies the means"
said that the composition of the work is excellent. Vargas Llosa alternates linear narrative of the diplomatic path with chapters that close to death and jailed pending a commutation of sentence, is visited by his friends and especially talk to his jailer. Interestingly, it is during these conversations where more and more exposed in the book's feelings, psychological investigation and soul of the characters.
In short, a book that can become tiresome for the monotone and repetitive of the atrocities of the colonial British in this case, true account of the chronology of facts and a character that I think has been very superficially described and with little depth on motives, feelings, doubts and inner conflicts about their actions.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How Much Does It Cost For A Destination Wedding
"Even with just cause, whining, tantrums, and poses a victim not dignify the artistic and they are counterproductive" PGR
Twitter, January 13, 2011.
Earlier this year a Salvadoran writer received an American Book Award, an event that, although every so often happens, is somewhat exceptional and worthy of news coverage.
As expected, at the mass level and means that achievement went unnoticed.
claim in a fair and healthy attempt to give merit to the colleague, the day a promised article from a Salvadoran writer in relation to the event, which describes very well the criteria of "cultural" (in the generic sense and a little ironic ) used to manage culture (art direction) in our mass media.
Almost everything said in the article mentioned is very true and it could add several pages to express the grievances of women and men. I myself have raised the issue in more than one space and so I said personally and publicly. However, I have certainly in our complaints have not helped, especially when the union itself artistic formula.
By claiming aloud by the lack of attention and appreciation for the works themselves, who feel attacked tachándote react to your list. On the other hand, if what you want is to earn the public, the worst strategy is reproached their ignorance or bad taste, because with this the least that you are tomato-or throw rotten eggs (and very well earned, for pedantic).
So, with the corresponding "machete, stay in your pod" and "Do not fight with the cook, plus the determination to be oneself, I have only three things to say about it, much to the gringo:
· Live with it!
· Do not give up!
Clearwire ahead!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Canon 40d Ring Flash Used
would have liked to have a single note from you between my fingers before the new year,
an encouraging word, a love you,
but found nothing, nothing, only your silence ,
silences sometimes mocking, giggling fresh strawberries,
saying one more note to bring my ego,
(when he had the stupidity to give you a stupid little note,
as a little girl, painted in colors and your name written
Glitter your favorite color).
Cartita that was stealing time from my dream,
excited thinking that perhaps
excite you.
would have liked to have a letter of yours between my fingers, and I only had one
by the 24 that I send,
a laugh,
by the thousand that I gave you when you were sad or worried,
four hugs,
the 15 that I gave you.
would have liked so much that the note arrived before deciding
I should not love you, because you do not deserve to love you both,
because they deserve a sincere affection, clean, nice,
as that felt for you,
which I still feel, but I swore I would change. Because
new year, new everything I said,
and thought it was a joke, because
new year, all new,
even patch the heart to pieces. Bite the damn
tongue to say I love you,
me stronger with time, hours,
to day, with the latter,
me strong, so strong, your eyes
not kill me,
your eyes and not melt my heart.
me strong because I deserve to be safe, because
cry too ... not just for you.
New Year, all new ... including love and illusion
and feel it start again,
like a phoenix to rise from the ashes,
of your ashes, because the pain in my heart, I buried
would have liked so much that the note came before
and started as it began,
apologize if this thing comes this afternoon.
But if
arrived late afternoon to move again
something in me.
This was my last letter to you my last letter. Because I will not be which is always supporting you unconditionally always as your letter says.
But women will be living by myself and me ... and touches me.
Lab Number 8 Population Genetics Answers
So many things in so many issues of common interest
jokes, laughter
So many things to say so many things to be quiet
with just a glance. So much joy
so sorry
in both eyes. Much love
to deliver what appears to be
Friday, January 7, 2011
How To Text A Scorpion Man