"Even with just cause, whining, tantrums, and poses a victim not dignify the artistic and they are counterproductive" PGR
Twitter, January 13, 2011.
Earlier this year a Salvadoran writer received an American Book Award, an event that, although every so often happens, is somewhat exceptional and worthy of news coverage.
As expected, at the mass level and means that achievement went unnoticed.
claim in a fair and healthy attempt to give merit to the colleague, the day a promised article from a Salvadoran writer in relation to the event, which describes very well the criteria of "cultural" (in the generic sense and a little ironic ) used to manage culture (art direction) in our mass media.
Almost everything said in the article mentioned is very true and it could add several pages to express the grievances of women and men. I myself have raised the issue in more than one space and so I said personally and publicly. However, I have certainly in our complaints have not helped, especially when the union itself artistic formula.
By claiming aloud by the lack of attention and appreciation for the works themselves, who feel attacked tachándote react to your list. On the other hand, if what you want is to earn the public, the worst strategy is reproached their ignorance or bad taste, because with this the least that you are tomato-or throw rotten eggs (and very well earned, for pedantic).
So, with the corresponding "machete, stay in your pod" and "Do not fight with the cook, plus the determination to be oneself, I have only three things to say about it, much to the gringo:
· Live with it!
· Do not give up!
Clearwire ahead!
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