Thursday, December 30, 2010
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this year now ending has been a breaking point in my life, I look back not to take stock, but to remember and be thankful for many milestones, travel, people, occasions or simple moments that allowed me to find myself, with others and my environment.
thank these two sections of the Camino de Santiago de León to Santiago in March and Roncesvalles to Logrono in September and all the people I met, I spoke with, who encouraged me, which I encouraged.
thank the workshop hospitable in Logroño in the month of April and the two occasions when I could practice as such in Samos and in Salamanca. The people I spoke to, what I saw and felt, made me deepen my sense of the Way and the desire to continue learning and improving in that noble and centennial service.
thank the many trips this year: Florence, Pisa, Alicante and Altea, Cordoba and Granada, and the beautiful Cantabrian Mountains in the stressed in particular the discovery Cabuérniga Valley, Fuente Dé and the crossing of Cares.
thank the very short hours three times a week've been initiated into the paint. The affection of the teacher, the fellowship of students, and the stirring of the most cheerful youngsters have been a constant encouragement to tackle this challenge and defy the aging neurons.
also thank the recent session of gymnastics at the Senior Center and the zeal with which my colleagues and I strive to exemplify. Perhaps achieve someday pick up a coin off the floor without bending the knees.
thank the Library of Suances and Torrelavega and librarians for their kind and inspired all the help provided throughout the year and I remember in particular my fellow book club who so often I have sacrificed for other destinations.
thank in particular the assistance of all persons who have written me, and I continue to write, to send me recipes or give me ironing boards, who sent me pps and those who are there to when needed, which I call the phone and call me, who walk with me and pushing me to do so. All and all, at heart, Thanks!
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MUA Museum of the University of Alicante
The city of Alicante has one of the most impressive campuses Spain. Installed in the grounds of a former military airfield able to install the various faculties in a green environment, shrubs, parks, gardens, ponds and parking places which are accessible only by a circular road that surrounds the entire complex.
The campus itself is also an impressive building that resembles a giant wooden crate inaccessible half-submerged in an artificial lake crystal. It's just an optical illusion. The alleged lake is just a thin layer of water on the roofs of the workshops and teaching rooms surrounding the main building of the museum and hidden from view the courtyard surrounding the main building of the Museum. Opened in 1999 by architect Alfredo Payá and is mainly devoted to contemporary art and the investigation of current artistic trends.
If the continent is in itself shocking, this time it has been even more thanks to the exhibition under the title "history (History nostra)" the museum dedicated to the painter Antoni Miró Alicante (Alcoy, 1946). His paintings interpreting iron sculptures as well known as Picasso's Guernica or The Magritte schoolteacher around the front of the pond and further enhance the massive silhouette of the museum.
The city of Alicante has one of the most impressive campuses Spain. Installed in the grounds of a former military airfield able to install the various faculties in a green environment, shrubs, parks, gardens, ponds and parking places which are accessible only by a circular road that surrounds the entire complex.

I do not feel qualified to make a critical analysis of this artist but I can tell you based on elements of pop-art and language of social realism, much of his work is the work of complaint: shows like "America black "," Dollar "or" Slave and enslaving "are proof of this, as are the tables devoted to reporting the devastation of the coastline.
can also consider more recent works about the war in Iraq and an extensive series on art and museums in which the appellant would highlight the work most notably "La Gioconda in Havana."
never heard of this painter, whose name perhaps I was overshadowed by the famous Joan Miro, but I was surprised, shocked and with big desire to know more about his work and painting.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
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Paper Birds Spain 2010
Address: Emilio Aragón
Duration: 122 minutes
With exceptional script by the Argentine Fernando Castets (The Son of the Bride, Luna de Avellaneda), the story interweaves the daily lives of the artists rehearsing their parts, making sure the daily meal and sharing friendship, support and humor, with different times of the Civil War and in particular to a conspiracy in which they are involuntarily involved.
The theme continues to remind us "The trip to nowhere" by Fernando Fernan Gomez, but I think on this occasion what particularly focused our attention on the masterful interpretation offered by Imanol Arias and Lluis Homar. Both give the film a strong emotional charge that is precisely what draws the merely anecdotal. Lluis Homar overboard the role of homosexual discreet and sentimental while Imanol Arias, representing the artist's life and beaten by misfortune and whose stern countenance and complicated inner life hidden deep tenderness that struggles to rebound. Carmen Machi, with his insightful interpretation of the "star of vaudeville" brings a smile and sometimes laugh at a movie that she had been leaning dangerously towards the excessive melancholy.
Overall a well-directed film, made with exquisite taste in which the ingredients are dosed mood wisely and pathos of difficult years with a heartfelt tribute to a profession and all within the context of the times dedicated Civil War and the Franco regime.
Paper Birds Spain 2010
Address: Emilio Aragón
Duration: 122 minutes
There are films that strike us to the point to keep in our mind weeks or even months after seeing them for the first time. This is what happened to me "Paper Birds", a film directed by Emilio Aragon on the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying tribute to vaudeville in general and in particular to all artists, found their own ancestors that despite the hardships of hunger and kept the torch lit the profession during the civil war and early years of the dictatorship.
With exceptional script by the Argentine Fernando Castets (The Son of the Bride, Luna de Avellaneda), the story interweaves the daily lives of the artists rehearsing their parts, making sure the daily meal and sharing friendship, support and humor, with different times of the Civil War and in particular to a conspiracy in which they are involuntarily involved.

Overall a well-directed film, made with exquisite taste in which the ingredients are dosed mood wisely and pathos of difficult years with a heartfelt tribute to a profession and all within the context of the times dedicated Civil War and the Franco regime.
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Paper Birds on the Road Plate
An astronaut on the cathedral
Visitors to the Cathedral of Salamanca is struck by the curious story of the astronaut who can be seen in one side of the North or Door Cover Palm, but not always give an explanation of this curious presence.
Obviously this is not a prophetic vision of the builders of the cathedral or a hoax of some students a night of drinking.
His presence and that of other elements added due to the strict compliance with the National Artistic Heritage Act in its Article 30 reads: "preserving, strengthening and rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts avoided, except when used parts original thereof, and may prove its authenticity. If adding or parties necessary to maintain stability or additions need to be recognizable and avoid confusion mimetic. " Just
in 1993, to proceed with the restoration of the home seriously damaged by the ravages time, the artists Juan Iglesias and Miguel Romero responsible for restoration, in strict compliance with the law and to avoid confusion with the original parts of the facade added to the identifying features that differentiate restored to clear the additions of the parties original.
The restoration was carried out on the occasion of the exhibition in Salamanca "The Ages of Man" whose theme this year was "The counterpoint and his dwelling." As a counterpoint and a symbol of modernity, precisely embedded restorative beds astronaut but also a lynx, a bull, a dragon with three scoops of ice cream, referring students, and the three elements of Salamanca: water, sky and earth represented by a crab, a stork and a hare.
An astronaut on the cathedral
Visitors to the Cathedral of Salamanca is struck by the curious story of the astronaut who can be seen in one side of the North or Door Cover Palm, but not always give an explanation of this curious presence.
Obviously this is not a prophetic vision of the builders of the cathedral or a hoax of some students a night of drinking.
His presence and that of other elements added due to the strict compliance with the National Artistic Heritage Act in its Article 30 reads: "preserving, strengthening and rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts avoided, except when used parts original thereof, and may prove its authenticity. If adding or parties necessary to maintain stability or additions need to be recognizable and avoid confusion mimetic. " Just
in 1993, to proceed with the restoration of the home seriously damaged by the ravages time, the artists Juan Iglesias and Miguel Romero responsible for restoration, in strict compliance with the law and to avoid confusion with the original parts of the facade added to the identifying features that differentiate restored to clear the additions of the parties original.
The restoration was carried out on the occasion of the exhibition in Salamanca "The Ages of Man" whose theme this year was "The counterpoint and his dwelling." As a counterpoint and a symbol of modernity, precisely embedded restorative beds astronaut but also a lynx, a bull, a dragon with three scoops of ice cream, referring students, and the three elements of Salamanca: water, sky and earth represented by a crab, a stork and a hare.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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hospitable in the Camino de la Plata
Convento de San Esteban
Probably one of the visits which impressed me most in Salamanca was a visit to the Dominican convent of St. Stephen. The dimensions of the monastery church with its facade plateresca and ship more than 40 meters high in the cim
Borri, speak for themselves the power and grandeur that characterized a religious order directly associated with the prestige of the University but also, unfortunately, the courts of the Inquisition.
enjoyed the walk along the upper and lower cloisters ran while on a visit at the request of Queen Isabella to Christopher Columbus made them defend against the Dominicans learned geographers of the University, the ability to reach the Indies by sailing West.
overwhelmed by the visit to Old Chapter House, before the actual construction of the convent. There could have learned instead the considerations and the not so holy privilege wrested from the Kings to be the only religious order with a mandate to bring doctrine to the New World.
Once again the human and the divine are inextricably intertwined in the actions of men. To not limit myself overwhelmed to contemplate the harmony of the cloister or the beauty of the staircase that links Soto and it was the work of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón.
Convento de San Esteban
Probably one of the visits which impressed me most in Salamanca was a visit to the Dominican convent of St. Stephen. The dimensions of the monastery church with its facade plateresca and ship more than 40 meters high in the cim

enjoyed the walk along the upper and lower cloisters ran while on a visit at the request of Queen Isabella to Christopher Columbus made them defend against the Dominicans learned geographers of the University, the ability to reach the Indies by sailing West.
overwhelmed by the visit to Old Chapter House, before the actual construction of the convent. There could have learned instead the considerations and the not so holy privilege wrested from the Kings to be the only religious order with a mandate to bring doctrine to the New World.
Once again the human and the divine are inextricably intertwined in the actions of men. To not limit myself overwhelmed to contemplate the harmony of the cloister or the beauty of the staircase that links Soto and it was the work of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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hospitable in the Camino de la Plata Camino
Calixto's Orchard and Melibea
In the shadow of the Cathedral, on a ledge of the old wall found in Salamanca in famous garden and Melibea Calixto. A variety of trees and plants, a romantic hole in its center, and the exquisite mime who devote Town Hall employees have made this a romantic dating spot, following the example of Florence and other
cities, the place where love come to seal their commitment to engaging a lock on the arc of the pulley and then throwing the keys into the depths of the pit.
It also found a beautiful monument to the main character Celestina Comedia de Calixto y Melibea more commonly known as La Celestina. Despite the academic dispute about the authorship of all or part of the work, it is usually attributed mostly to Francisco de Rojas who studied and lived in Salamanca. The work enjoyed multiple redición and extensions but it is generally accepted as princeps edition which took place in Burgos, in the house now occupied by El Meson del Cid "in front of the Cathedral.
recommend Visit at sunset, when you only hear the relentless struggles of swifts, and we can sit on the wall of the city leaving the view to miss the imposing mass of the cathedral lit arising from the dense woods like a ship on fire.
Calixto's Orchard and Melibea
In the shadow of the Cathedral, on a ledge of the old wall found in Salamanca in famous garden and Melibea Calixto. A variety of trees and plants, a romantic hole in its center, and the exquisite mime who devote Town Hall employees have made this a romantic dating spot, following the example of Florence and other

It also found a beautiful monument to the main character Celestina Comedia de Calixto y Melibea more commonly known as La Celestina. Despite the academic dispute about the authorship of all or part of the work, it is usually attributed mostly to Francisco de Rojas who studied and lived in Salamanca. The work enjoyed multiple redición and extensions but it is generally accepted as princeps edition which took place in Burgos, in the house now occupied by El Meson del Cid "in front of the Cathedral.
recommend Visit at sunset, when you only hear the relentless struggles of swifts, and we can sit on the wall of the city leaving the view to miss the imposing mass of the cathedral lit arising from the dense woods like a ship on fire.
Monday, December 13, 2010
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hospitable in the hospitable
"Art Nouveau" in Salamanca
not expect to find in a city such as Salamanca and Scholastica Renaissance palace and a museum such as the Casa Lis. In a palace built in Art Nouveau style, characterized by a splendid conservatory which looks at
l Tormes, the city has hosted a superb collection of diverse objects from the early Art Deco last century.
Stresses n different objects on all of those who have adopted Lalique as its known dragonfly logo, the distinctive collection of vases and lamps, Gallé, whose imitation he had learned to appreciate during my trips to Romania and the extensive collection of dolls of the past century.
The museum is complemented by regular exhibitions on topics related to the time. On this occasion I could admire issues related to dance and the beginning of the century cabaret in Paris, Berlin or New York.
"Art Nouveau" in Salamanca
not expect to find in a city such as Salamanca and Scholastica Renaissance palace and a museum such as the Casa Lis. In a palace built in Art Nouveau style, characterized by a splendid conservatory which looks at

Stresses n different objects on all of those who have adopted Lalique as its known dragonfly logo, the distinctive collection of vases and lamps, Gallé, whose imitation he had learned to appreciate during my trips to Romania and the extensive collection of dolls of the past century.
The museum is complemented by regular exhibitions on topics related to the time. On this occasion I could admire issues related to dance and the beginning of the century cabaret in Paris, Berlin or New York.
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Salamanca plays with light
During these fifteen days Salamanca, realizing that I come as the day I discover new facets in this city full of old stones, young life, retirees and people in quiet, curious tourists and souvenir compulsive collectors.
Must see Salamanca on a sunny day when the sun seems to caress the friable limestone to make blush in golden splendor. If the day is cloudy, the monuments are no less beautiful. The facade is off, turn gray and invited to enter into cloisters and palaces to see the serenity of the cypress trees, the silence of the wells, the watermark of the balconies or the silence and recollection of the walls. I like Salamanca at night when old stones burn under the glare of the spotlights, shadows enhance the beauty of a floor, the bustle of the square becomes bubbly and the whole city seems to have forgotten that it's bedtime.
During these fifteen days Salamanca, realizing that I come as the day I discover new facets in this city full of old stones, young life, retirees and people in quiet, curious tourists and souvenir compulsive collectors.

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hospitable in
El Primero Precious
statue on the banks of this gentle, winding embracing Tormes Salamanca's waist. It reminds us of the amazing couple and evokes all the sparkle and wit of our picaresque.
I have lost several times along the river, to observe it in different lights to fit it under different angles. I look at that old man who looks at the sky because their eyes empty and desolate heart prevent him from approaching the land. Leaves town and walks steadily building on the skeletal boy with an absent, seems to be plotting their next ploy to get some food.
In this time of crisis, I think we should Lazarillo all of us, to enable us to survive, because we "make do", because the times require us to sharpen the wits, to change old ways, using new skills or simply shorten our goals , diet needs and be willing to be content with less.
statue on the banks of this gentle, winding embracing Tormes Salamanca's waist. It reminds us of the amazing couple and evokes all the sparkle and wit of our picaresque.

In this time of crisis, I think we should Lazarillo all of us, to enable us to survive, because we "make do", because the times require us to sharpen the wits, to change old ways, using new skills or simply shorten our goals , diet needs and be willing to be content with less.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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The invitation to the 30, with image included
I snatched as I always send another invitation to those my style. Here is the creation of the invitation to the 30.
On Friday 26 November thirtieth anniversary, I can not say that, like Carmen Ollé:
30 years have not changed anything except close to ataquecardíaco or uterine discharge. Ailments outside our intestines flow and change from being to nothingness.
could not identify, because they do not have heart ... (Well not tachycardia at least ... or yes? Humm good lol) and there is, thank God, what an empty uterus.
But if I understand what stress is ... at least my stress.
But if I understand what stress is ... at least my stress.
I have 30 years (the age of stress).
Yes, definitely Carmen Ollé right, 30, are the age of stress (although I had since childhood). Everything was fairly stress ... and I think I still have stress.
But there are days like this (the birthday), one thinks that there are, to be ... even for hours ... go away and that is the best of everything. But I still feel that the thirties are falling as Carmen says, but I prefer to think of these poems thirties Rudolf Usigli:
But there are days like this (the birthday), one thinks that there are, to be ... even for hours ... go away and that is the best of everything. But I still feel that the thirties are falling as Carmen says, but I prefer to think of these poems thirties Rudolf Usigli:
Thirty years, thirty
wounds on my body
and I still can not bleed
definitely in a poem. Give
my words to cover
The secret words of love,
words a child star
Or the silence. All
words ... To fill in my thirties.
While looking for the right words to cover my thirties, to secure the just think next year you turn 31, I live thinking that I have still 29 and I will continue to have the same next year and next, and ...
I should be grateful to have a family, a daughter, a beloved dog as my Yogi. And by having those important details that help to a better life: work, friends, rock and roll, jazz, tango, music cds, meetings and health (if also that similar health chin chin with glasses). To listen to the chin chin, I invite you to celebrate with me another year of life ... a special one, because I will not celebrate another year being 31, 30 and 30 to celebrate ... 30 years of laughter, sorrow, madness, and support fellowship with each of you, so important at every stage of my life, chats, tips, discussions.
The hope at all, alone or accompanied, (every one who decides what is best for each one) on Saturday November 27 starting at 8 pm at the Soccer Stadium Club (Av Nicolas de Pierola 938 - Plaza San Martín) for an evening of talk, dance and harrrrrta chela.
PS: What I have written why sometimes 30 and another thirty?, Is that I do not get the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing that number, is better written ... thirty, hahaha. Not heavy and feels better:)
I should be grateful to have a family, a daughter, a beloved dog as my Yogi. And by having those important details that help to a better life: work, friends, rock and roll, jazz, tango, music cds, meetings and health (if also that similar health chin chin with glasses). To listen to the chin chin, I invite you to celebrate with me another year of life ... a special one, because I will not celebrate another year being 31, 30 and 30 to celebrate ... 30 years of laughter, sorrow, madness, and support fellowship with each of you, so important at every stage of my life, chats, tips, discussions.
The hope at all, alone or accompanied, (every one who decides what is best for each one) on Saturday November 27 starting at 8 pm at the Soccer Stadium Club (Av Nicolas de Pierola 938 - Plaza San Martín) for an evening of talk, dance and harrrrrta chela.
PS: What I have written why sometimes 30 and another thirty?, Is that I do not get the idea of \u200b\u200bseeing that number, is better written ... thirty, hahaha. Not heavy and feels better:)
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Close to my birthday, my dog, my daughter and the blue prince

I have many fears in my mind, I am in my birthday week ... I can not lie I have fear.
Fear of many things: old me, not being a good mother, not being a good daughter, good sister.
feel many things, a horrible tingling will not let me be quiet ... anyway maybe they are my ideas, maybe things are of age.
My only joys are my dwarf, cute, funny, cute ... and my dreams ... those eyes that I look and I laugh. And it is so easy to laugh when I'm at your side, always has a joke, a gesture that makes the laughter flowing with incredible ease.
I look and sometimes I think that is so pefect, so smart, funny, serious, with a sweet voice that just melts me. So it is within me, in my heart to think about is easy, so easy.
Prince Charming, has haunted me, and that is as blue as the sea so I love, with its waves and fro, with his strength and quietness.
The Blue Kid, disturbs me, sometimes I feel so close to me, sometimes so far, as well as the sea.
am to weeks for my birthday, 30 years ... with wonderful future in my career (as I say my crazy friends), with a beautiful daughter, a crazy family and a furry black dog is my life.
To be honest, my 3 great loves are my dog, my daughter and the prince ... the blue. If, in that order: Dear God forgive me, but my dog \u200b\u200bis my worship, I have photos and pictures of my dog \u200b\u200band certainly I have not uploaded many of my facebook ... I think for fear that I go, Yogi ( and called my child) now in the 7 years, and has white goatee, CanIt and not as playful as before. I grew up with him. The mourn saw me when I left the house and wanted to send to hell all seen me laugh when I entered college, I returned to see mourn when finished with the father of my daughter and I returned to see him laugh when I first said to someone, to the course, she was pregnant.
Yes, my dog \u200b\u200bwas the first to find out she was pregnant, my Yogi he managed to get up and hug her Pastaza.
Perhaps the train passes us both, maybe I feel that my pain is less when I'm by your side ... and I've never seen my dog like that, a dog.
Yogi is like my brother, we went through together, laughing and crying, we're both getting old together ... and if I do, I can not stand alone or will it cost me much further.
prefer celebrate my birthday with my dog \u200b\u200bwhile I run out of love, a hug of my life blue prince settled on a scroll ... I've always liked that phrase. Do not know if I heard or invented today as ever ... but I feel I need my life settled on a scroll ... with my daughter, my dog \u200b\u200band the little prince ... who would like the little prince ... Blue's my story ... the so blue, so funny and so cute.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Feeling Weak And Chesty And Itchy Eyes
no time, but dying to be written so excited Excited
Stealing a moment

Stealing a moment
my job to hang something on my blog after a month almost ... or more? I do not remember.
He fulfills my daughter was cute until I went to dance to a chair for the crazy hour (children's party went from being a bachelorette party I think) in end.
's face was too bright, full of happiness, the clown and the guy dressed as the Backyardigans Tasha were complete happiness for my daughter. As I watched from afar while everyone walked entranced appetizers, children were fighting to fill their bag of goodies, parents talked, the clown was with his show and I was with mine.
did not want to mourn, I was dying to do it, I won for the first time the tears. Jannice's father, as has now become Franco, was unfazed when he almost begged him to stay by his daughter.
August 20 while securing the boxes of surprises, I heard my daughter singing, something I Rosette to the last bone, you have no father, if I have, you have no father, if I have.
immediately asked why he sang it, to which Jannicita managed to say: well my friends tell me school.
Why I asked.
I do not collect Franco - I said my little girl.
But you know that your dad works so you can not pick - I said.
Patty's father works and comes to pick it up - my dwarf replied sadly.
Do not listen, I will take every day instead leads them mobility - I said.
We hugged and that was the conversation, but I was annoyed, wanting to mourn greatly. Recognizing that my daughter was growing up, that soon no longer be satisfied with simple answers, which eventually would have to say that Dad was not that you were not, he did not want to be. Jannice
too clever for their cortitos 3 years old. It seems a little old lady telling me my friends. But that being old lady brings endless fears for me. That prompted
soon, as I say I do not have a home set up, as we say she and I, his father figure is his grandfather (who loves by the way), how to tell a thousand things not as say them, not even explain them to me.
My friends from work say they do not make me problems, I am a good mother and she will appreciate it ... but none of them have children ... then they can not understand my anger, my confusion concern that I feel every day or just the melancholy that I feel when I pass a dad with his daughter, when I see how they play, such as the famous bear making them happy sentadotas capachín and over the shoulders of the father, feeling that at the top of the world.
I will not be able to give that image to my dwarf, at best I can tell a trusted friend that will make capachín my daughter, but nothing more. Perhaps
be my own fears, I do not know. Sometimes Jannice is so happy, sometimes it's sad ... looks a lot like me, have my own moods, and we have an amazing facility to pass from joy to deep sadness ... in order.
Jannice Day Birthday I was happy, we sing happy birthday and ate cake, we have video and even today is October 17, we happy ... without it.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Live View / Axis 206m

overwhelming'm in a week but happy. It is the birthday of the dwarf, and turns 3 years old and now beginning my studio copyediting nothing more and nothing less than Oswaldo Reynoso, one of my favorite escritoress after my beloved Alfredo Bryce Echenique.
I'm happy, excited, but a little nervous about the preparations for the feast of my dwarf.
I want everything to go well, do not pass me any details and all I want to be happy that day, every day. I am so ecstatic ... to the beautiful boy has taken a back seat ... at least for this week.
My daughter took my workshop tooodo and Oswaldo Reynoso correction is the second part of my heart at this time.
beautiful Chico
have to wait .... and I swear I did not say that, I think ever.
I love you, but this week you're on my list of priorities hehe.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
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Some things I think about you
Sometimes I wish

I love to see you, laugh with you, share with you. I expect that I prepare tea, play with your gestures, I like you.
I love your simple smile, sincere, jovial, sometimes I look for your look and feel that I give it. Sometimes I look at me and smile, sometimes I look and I look elusive ... as I understand it? These
or not? Conversations with me, you laugh, tell me personal things, I sometimes feel that I'm almost almost a best friend and I feel good I do not deny. Your company makes me feel good, I have fun, I laugh, smile and everything else ... I'm just happy, you make me happy and what is funny todod not even need to touch me to make me happy lol. Your gestures, your sweetness makes it all becomes everything becomes magic, everything is magic at your side.
Sometimes I wish
Kiss you, but would not be able to do that ... as I wrote once, someday you'll steal a kiss ... but it will be with your consent.
I love you ... just so, and I love the purity in which I did not long ago. I love you with innocence, sweetness, love. I love you ... with all the strength of my heart.
Friday, July 2, 2010
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almost hidden in a place I hid for the fifth time. I did not see you, or look at you, or talk, just silence, quiet as ever, as ever, and maybe.
Slowly my eyes opened and I saw you, so full of light, so bright, so beautiful, so unique, so you. And I wondered because I have to go to work every day when I just want to contemplate, because I have the need to share with you every night when you claim that you go to sleep somewhere else other than me.
know I renounce you prefer go with it sometimes and you name it when you're with me and I do not claim, could not, because I love you so much that just a smile from you me away from reality, because you are my fantasy.
Somehow you are perfect, when I'm with you, with you I feel perfect. You do not see details or flaws, I'm just who I am for you, neither more nor less.
Maybe that's why I love you so, perhaps because you are unique, although there are many in the world, you're my baby, the unique, especially mine.
're my baby and almost turned 3 and for you I'm still capable of anything, to do everything for you.
I adore my Jannice, you're the best I have in the world and just so, I am very happy.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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for you And I thought of you and ...

looked panic exploded in your face, you looked very nearly shattered soul, with sorrow, fear, frustration. I looked and I hugged him in a dream, but my words, you had there you. Not leave you with this, no.
I will stand, if not forever, not like, just be there by your side, but djiste you ... thank you for being there, supporting me as always.
not know how I filled those words, I do not know how you filled that day, do not know how important it was to be with you, beside you, trying to make you feel good. Then we woke up, very nearly together, together yeah, but by a network, the internet, we have always together, every night, between laughter and comments from facebook.
watch your photos and commented, you just discussed a few. I look at you, you smile, I smile and I tremble, I fall, I wrap myself in silly dreams, maybe not.
I'll hug you and leave you a knowing look is enough to tell us they appreciate each other with the same intensity, with the same care with the same force.
I love you, love you, you know. I'm with you until you, or leave me. You'll be supporting you as a sister, a friend, because I have it clear, once and only me.
way, I want, just tell me I can not want to leave it, at least I have not yet entered into the tragic theme of saying I love you, no I love you yet. I just want you, but yes, I love you, very much, you know how, You know how, you know just.
I'm there, I'm here, I'm where I need to, if not forever, but now ... now here I am ... and you know I'm for what I need, as always, I'm here.
Friday, May 14, 2010
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I am what I want to be

'm jumping mountain cloud, sun
'm killing the sea, I
water, searching for your body,
am everything and nothing, but you are.
I find in your soul,
in your being, your space,
after loving you so, just look for
A time to say I love you,
or split.
not want to hold you in my dreams,
not want to kiss you in my dreams,
not want to laugh with you, I dream of you
dream of you and say maybe.
if it's not right,
try to be with your body,
not know if it is right,
love as much as you want.
Only this time,
am what I want to be,
only at this moment,
am what I have.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Cruising Gay Columbus
Within hours of face to that day Take it easy

fully assume my errors, or almost always assume, or almost always, I realize that I fucked up, but it's so hard to say sorry I fucked up.
I assume that I do things no desire to fuck anyone in my crazy impulsive things do not reason, only I do and now. Made after the break down and tell me .. fucked up.
This week not so good that I say, I still think I hurt a friend by accident, I still think I failed and I can not even keep his eyes as before. Love her, appreciate her too, I admire for having the courage to continue as if nothing happened when in the background is crumbling like a house of cards. I admire her for being able to maintain joy or apparently well. I can not, I could never, never save me from tears I could if I wanted to mourn, I could not stand and the bathroom was the door to escape. Enclosed within four walls could burst into tears, I could drop a little all the pain that takes my soul.
Yesterday I had my first performance for Mother's Day, and I left in two. I cried for the fact of seeing my daughter perform on stage, to see their excitement when I was looking from the stage.
cried for the sight of all mothers with a fellow that engreía and hugged.
I did to deserve this, that I failed to see me face, I almost started to his feet, begged him not go, do not leave me please, please, I love you so much.
My soul is broken, hurt, hurt. Not for someone who could appreciate what I gave, but the fact of being torn to pieces and never thought to see me. I never imagined
feel no self-esteem, not wanting to luchármela, I can still believe what they want. I have never afraid to fall in love and I was afraid, was the girls who even took the first step when I felt the boy of her dreams would take forever to say, want to be me?. I have fear of ever seeing eyes for a few minutes a guy I like, hesitation when we talk about anything, I shout, I get stupid and the worst part is that half the world and realized, less, or want to believe that realize.
And if you do not like, and if I want, and if you only see me as his leg, and if and if and if. I try to give back to the subject, to meet again, trying to be Dina was, but it is not nothing, absolutely nothing. And again the fear again, and I collapsed, and again I fuck up and fuck the fuck I should not, and I lock myself again in my bubble, hoping that someone took the plunge and pop the damn bubble with a pin and I say, live women, live, breathe, smile, I look desire to be the, who cursed me out of that bubble, while only flying in a bubble close to mine as well get along with, but not if it is on the right. Whether it be, who should be, whether it be the one who get me through this torment.
the meantime do not want to screw up, I do not scrub anything, I shut myself up, to see and say nothing, do not hurt anyone, no charges have not owing to my conscience, tell me every night, sweet dreams and dreams have not cursed. I do not want to live, I am not making sense in life, if not for my daughter, had disappeared long ago, it's so easy, so easy. But I want someone cried for me and not crocodile tears, I will not only tears my parents, my brother or my daughter, I want the tears of someone who loves me, not as a mother or daughter or sister. I want tears of those I love, to me, as my being, my laughter, my. I want to take a nice married name, may never have it, dying to have a son of man who loves with all the strength of my heart, I love again, but I have a huge fear fear fear I have ever had it in all my life, I have fear of falling in love with you, not I, I should not. But I did, I walk away, I'm doing, I do not want to hurt anyone, enough with me. I want to take a nice married name and not go to the nest or work and keep listening: Ms. Prado, as mine, so cold, so my last name. My mother I would say I'm desperate to find husbands. No I'm not, I'm desperate to find a partner who is different, a partner with whom to laugh, mourn, get a beating, eat popcorn, play with, love. I have so much love in me, as a penalty at this time. I am preparing for Mother's Day tomorrow, where I only bow to my parents, my brother and my daughter ... of course also my dog. But die-out of receiving roses and a card saying I love you, you are unique. Die if not just the damn day fast, I wrap myself in my blankets and not come out, thinking that this day does not exist. And stand up straight in on Monday, only to go to work and forget everything, even me, until you.
I assume that I do things no desire to fuck anyone in my crazy impulsive things do not reason, only I do and now. Made after the break down and tell me .. fucked up.
This week not so good that I say, I still think I hurt a friend by accident, I still think I failed and I can not even keep his eyes as before. Love her, appreciate her too, I admire for having the courage to continue as if nothing happened when in the background is crumbling like a house of cards. I admire her for being able to maintain joy or apparently well. I can not, I could never, never save me from tears I could if I wanted to mourn, I could not stand and the bathroom was the door to escape. Enclosed within four walls could burst into tears, I could drop a little all the pain that takes my soul.
Yesterday I had my first performance for Mother's Day, and I left in two. I cried for the fact of seeing my daughter perform on stage, to see their excitement when I was looking from the stage.
cried for the sight of all mothers with a fellow that engreía and hugged.
I did to deserve this, that I failed to see me face, I almost started to his feet, begged him not go, do not leave me please, please, I love you so much.
My soul is broken, hurt, hurt. Not for someone who could appreciate what I gave, but the fact of being torn to pieces and never thought to see me. I never imagined
feel no self-esteem, not wanting to luchármela, I can still believe what they want. I have never afraid to fall in love and I was afraid, was the girls who even took the first step when I felt the boy of her dreams would take forever to say, want to be me?. I have fear of ever seeing eyes for a few minutes a guy I like, hesitation when we talk about anything, I shout, I get stupid and the worst part is that half the world and realized, less, or want to believe that realize.
And if you do not like, and if I want, and if you only see me as his leg, and if and if and if. I try to give back to the subject, to meet again, trying to be Dina was, but it is not nothing, absolutely nothing. And again the fear again, and I collapsed, and again I fuck up and fuck the fuck I should not, and I lock myself again in my bubble, hoping that someone took the plunge and pop the damn bubble with a pin and I say, live women, live, breathe, smile, I look desire to be the, who cursed me out of that bubble, while only flying in a bubble close to mine as well get along with, but not if it is on the right. Whether it be, who should be, whether it be the one who get me through this torment.
the meantime do not want to screw up, I do not scrub anything, I shut myself up, to see and say nothing, do not hurt anyone, no charges have not owing to my conscience, tell me every night, sweet dreams and dreams have not cursed. I do not want to live, I am not making sense in life, if not for my daughter, had disappeared long ago, it's so easy, so easy. But I want someone cried for me and not crocodile tears, I will not only tears my parents, my brother or my daughter, I want the tears of someone who loves me, not as a mother or daughter or sister. I want tears of those I love, to me, as my being, my laughter, my. I want to take a nice married name, may never have it, dying to have a son of man who loves with all the strength of my heart, I love again, but I have a huge fear fear fear I have ever had it in all my life, I have fear of falling in love with you, not I, I should not. But I did, I walk away, I'm doing, I do not want to hurt anyone, enough with me. I want to take a nice married name and not go to the nest or work and keep listening: Ms. Prado, as mine, so cold, so my last name. My mother I would say I'm desperate to find husbands. No I'm not, I'm desperate to find a partner who is different, a partner with whom to laugh, mourn, get a beating, eat popcorn, play with, love. I have so much love in me, as a penalty at this time. I am preparing for Mother's Day tomorrow, where I only bow to my parents, my brother and my daughter ... of course also my dog. But die-out of receiving roses and a card saying I love you, you are unique. Die if not just the damn day fast, I wrap myself in my blankets and not come out, thinking that this day does not exist. And stand up straight in on Monday, only to go to work and forget everything, even me, until you.
Friday, April 30, 2010
I Always Get Dry Before My Period
sounds so easy, but definitely not as I can be. When things go wrong, I complicate the existence, I like almost close to perfection, I've always been that way since childhood, I assumed all the roles of father and mother with my brother ... I feel far more mom and asserts the taking me more confidence with me about our mother.
do not know if I skipped steps, I think that if I did not learn to play, or living things live girls to take on big issues since I was 12 years, now close to 30 I feel like I have 50 or something, because I feel that I have posted more work, more important issues, more responsibilities. I have no time to relax, maybe in life I could never do, but now life takes me these stages in some way.
I feel I need to live what I lived not in time, I need to know everything that I know of life. In summary I want to live .. something like García Márquez, Living to Tell, do not want to look 50 and I realized I could not perform those simple things of life. In summary, I feel that I have not experienced what I live at the time, at this point I feel that I have not experienced anything, absolutely nothing of what I want to live in reality. End
catharsis today, thanks for stressed me.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Software Exceptionalc0000005
the chest of memories

several publications that had hung in my hi5, saved. Songs, thoughts, dilemmas ... things of love, old loves, loves dogs, loves assholes.
Today I took a part of my mask, that of happiness and I broke down again, though it was only a small delay. Thanks A, and now you know it's you, not the A, but you hahaha. Today
Dina that killed a little depressing, that sad, and I realized that I have a Dina, much better to give ... especially to him.
If you want, as you may not want if bread, but neither I am Jesus and I'm much less at the Last Supper ... but if God, forgive me for what I write and what I'm thinking ... but if it is a bread and want for my dinner ... If you know ... Lord, forgive me! I can not with my genius.
Commercial Offer Draft
When loneliness became sol - KDT

When I look into your eyes so tender,
the intense sweetness of your body,
when I saw the reason for your being, loneliness
sun became .
be why I love you so,
is because I want you,
is why there is so then
why is always you.
When I see your tender eyes,
the intense sweetness of your body,
when I saw the reason for your being, loneliness
became sun
loneliness became sun
because you are the sun,
because you are my sunshine.
Words and music: Dina Prado. Created on October 7, 2008.
the intense sweetness of your body,
when I saw the reason for your being, loneliness
sun became .
be why I love you so,
is because I want you,
is why there is so then
why is always you.
When I see your tender eyes,
the intense sweetness of your body,
when I saw the reason for your being, loneliness
became sun
loneliness became sun
because you are the sun,
because you are my sunshine.
Words and music: Dina Prado. Created on October 7, 2008.
Floatel Kerala Kovalam
Catharsis - KDT Requiem for a dream
cool mist, haze intense
not divert my path,
walking, breathing,
back alone to begin the day
where you can forget. "Be mindful
your body,
is a matter of solitude, freedom
not take me away, never more. Bruma
fresh, intense fog,
not divert my path,
walking, breathing, only to start back
llegaraaa day,
where you can forget. "Be mindful
And your cuerpooo,
only seraaaa,
question of loneliness,
question of freedom, leaving
Words and music: Dina Prado. Created on 06 September 2008.
cool mist, haze intense
not divert my path,
walking, breathing,
back alone to begin the day
where you can forget. "Be mindful
your body,
is a matter of solitude, freedom
not take me away, never more. Bruma
fresh, intense fog,
not divert my path,
walking, breathing, only to start back
llegaraaa day,
where you can forget. "Be mindful
And your cuerpooo,
only seraaaa,
question of loneliness,
question of freedom, leaving
Words and music: Dina Prado. Created on 06 September 2008.
Cardio Machine Heart Rate Accuracy

Now nothing can change,
everyone sees different sides,
will love, as passed
our destinations.
Happiness does not know her, just as soon
and the requiem of a chimera,
in your honor is.
am I happy to see you, and even more
your happiness, and although
miss my mind, I find your happiness
Happiness does not know her, just as soon
and the requiem of a chimera,
in your honor is.
the chest of memories of July 12, 2008.
everyone sees different sides,
will love, as passed
our destinations.
Happiness does not know her, just as soon
and the requiem of a chimera,
in your honor is.
am I happy to see you, and even more
your happiness, and although
miss my mind, I find your happiness
Happiness does not know her, just as soon
and the requiem of a chimera,
in your honor is.
the chest of memories of July 12, 2008.
When Does Pregnancy Show
you trying? I got tired
Again, start again, same story without end. Nothing I can blame you, I let the cruelty. I do not expect you to come back, but I will not let my mind Hermes with your silly ideas when speaking. You pretend to mime it, that you intend to find?. Today my mind and do not understand this silly way of acting. Not return to the same, today I'll find, just trying to make a way, but do not hang out with me when walking. Nothing is easy, no more loose ends to tie, only the cold of my room tonight, but do not think so I'll call you. Everyone is on its way, every one who seeks his place, so do not think that everything will change. I've done my life, and it does this, if you believe that your actions erase the wounds, then you never truly understand me. You pretend with your caress, you're looking for really. They found nothing, because nothing is already there. I do not feel anything, anything for you already.
of the chest of memories of June 10, 2008.
Again, start again, same story without end. Nothing I can blame you, I let the cruelty. I do not expect you to come back, but I will not let my mind Hermes with your silly ideas when speaking. You pretend to mime it, that you intend to find?. Today my mind and do not understand this silly way of acting. Not return to the same, today I'll find, just trying to make a way, but do not hang out with me when walking. Nothing is easy, no more loose ends to tie, only the cold of my room tonight, but do not think so I'll call you. Everyone is on its way, every one who seeks his place, so do not think that everything will change. I've done my life, and it does this, if you believe that your actions erase the wounds, then you never truly understand me. You pretend with your caress, you're looking for really. They found nothing, because nothing is already there. I do not feel anything, anything for you already.
of the chest of memories of June 10, 2008.
What Is A Brazilian Wax With A Landing Pad
I got tired of being patient, waiting pretenderte, can not stand your looks, do not ever want to see. Only one thing unites us, nothing can compare, but I'm tired of being patient, I got tired of waiting. I know I can imagine poderme future, and your side does not see it, we will not deceive. Each person was stopped for directions that connect, that palm have embraced the truth. I'm tired of being patient, waiting pretenderte, not stand your looks, do not ever want to see. Only one thing unites us, nothing can compare, but I'm tired of being patient, I got tired of waiting. I know I can imagine a future poderme your side ... but I do not see me again ... not looking. The trunk
May 22, 2008.
Ivory Soap On Acne Dermatologist
still be? Lullaby
Each time you come the night I remember you, lol, say it because at night I met you. Long time that night. Is how are you, but I do not know where we are ... in that place we got lost and when we cease to cherish ... that we thought was ... something else. Not if you're not sure if this. But I know if I have you in front will not let you. Some day you try to be conscious ... or innocent? Strange ... strange ... strange ... if ... I miss you. hahaha .... unconscious. Never understand .... if you never understand .... you were not a game, no nothing. unconscious, unconscious. The trunk
February 11, 2008.
Each time you come the night I remember you, lol, say it because at night I met you. Long time that night. Is how are you, but I do not know where we are ... in that place we got lost and when we cease to cherish ... that we thought was ... something else. Not if you're not sure if this. But I know if I have you in front will not let you. Some day you try to be conscious ... or innocent? Strange ... strange ... strange ... if ... I miss you. hahaha .... unconscious. Never understand .... if you never understand .... you were not a game, no nothing. unconscious, unconscious. The trunk
February 11, 2008.
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