Seizing the coincidence of various circumstances, on Saturday afternoon we took a leisure trip to Restaurant "La Cascada" (which appears somewhere as "stay agroecoturística", phone 2417-8986, is worth the data ) Jujutla way in Ahuachapán department. Thanks There are two premises: first, the waterfall itself, which the young guide who took us was simply called "The Waterfall", the second are the cabins where we sleep, content in one of those beautiful brick Lodging clay and wood, where there is scenery and mountain air in all directions. Down
up-and especially- up from the bottom of the ravine where the appeal first requires some physical condition (in my case, at least her memory). And meet this little jump of twenty-five feet into the river bed, wake up this unspeakable primordial element that binds us the land itself, its folklore, its nostalgia and its distance from the city noise. In elementary there, everything seems so simple and, if not for the dangers of the jungle night, give you want to stay there for most of the short time allowed us the route.
the rest of the trip will just say that I attack a lot more attractive than a Apaneca and Izalco, and that the greatest dangers were precisely in car seats and created three elements to reduce risks: first, a mound the size of a wall in Salcoatitán, second a zigzag police that the very place they came alive a sloping curve; and third, back Salcoatitán always in a normal mound without any kind of signaling, which at 80 miles per hour is neither funny nor salvation.
Back home, I check on my physical and mental states how healthy was the experience of being offline around the clock, one sometimes strange how the world was before of technology!
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