The Telethon is a TV show long-term charitable fundraising purposes, which was born more than half a century in the United States. Today is also made more than ten Latin American countries and at least five Europeans. In El Salvador made since 1982 to build and equip child care centers and children with physical disabilities, administered by the Telethon Foundation Pro Rehabilitation (FUNTER). Generally, each Telethon reaches the goals in terms of revenue and provides tangible results. People, meanwhile, came in droves to witness the show, attracted mainly by Mexican artists sent by Televisa to come to work for the cause.
In the beginning, when there was no Internet and social networks, just a few people quietly expressed misgivings about the altruism that would move such equipment. Today in times of Web 2.0 increasingly circulating emails and sites openly questioned, accused, rejected and even insulted the event and its supporters.
In all this there is a disturbing element into defenders and attackers: the lack of knowledge and analysis of the subject, so much so that they are incapable of giving valid arguments in a civilized discussion and even claim to believe false things true based on caricatures of reality.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of these criticisms, questions and doubts about the telethon, with greater wisdom and foundation possible. Then, having given their respective intended, and each person to draw his conclusions and act accordingly. Critical
1: serve the disabled population belongs to the government.
True, but what's the object to others doing so?
This obstructionist attitude is as meaningless as that I oppose to my neighbor fill a wheelbarrow of gravel to the huge rut that I have in front of my house just because it is the FOVIAL or the Mayor who should fulfill this duty. However, as absurd as it may seem, some people prefer "right" and keep the hole. Critical
2: the charity must not be a spectacle.
Yeah ... ideally, but if you want tangible results, in practice It is different. Let's start
idealistic. Fanaticism aside, it is about transcribing two verses of the Gospel of Matthew: "So when you give alms, do not post it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to the praise of men" (Mt. 6, 2) and "You, however, when you give alms, let not your left hand must know what your right hand" (Mt. 6, 3).
This approach seems to work the secret contributions for the vast majority of small donors, but clearly not the case for large companies and their representatives who like to go on stage to provide large amounts money under the justification to motivate by example. In fact, the continued exposure and coverage of these cases of public donation is an essential part of the telethon itself, so it would be difficult to imagine any other way if what you are looking for significant results.
The question then arises between intentions, attitudes and cash on hand. When judging, ask yourself what is best for a needed, if receive ten dollars to clean and ideal in anonymity ... or a hundred dollars charged to fuss. Critical
3: there is manipulation of emotions, especially pity.
Well ... yes and no.
Since the recipients are children with disabilities, you can not criticize an event that shows about specific cases to move minds. Another thing is that some people do not like dealing with them. And if they are hiding or invisible to cameras, would not that also a form of discrimination? Critical
4: to donate large companies actually save money by evading taxes.
Indeed, by law such donations are deductible from income tax for both individuals and corporations. In principle, this is not an ethical problem and even say it's better to give the money directly to the Telethon Foundation Pro Rehabilitation (FUNTER) that the Government of the Republic, whereas in the latter case, you never know its actual destination and, above all, he downplayed the good use to be given to such funds, salaries deputies and allowances of judges included.
The important point here is that the deduction of donations is not as present some picture of the web anonymous, who apparently have never made a declaration of income tax. Taking the respective
documentary evidence, a donation can only be deduced from net income or taxable income, not directly the amount of tax payable. In practice and as appropriate, make a donation reduces the income tax in an amount ranging between ten and twenty-five percent of the donations, for example, if the tax computed on the annual income of "The Super Cito" John Doe was $ 5,000 but he donated $ 500 to FUNTER charitably, your tax liability would be about $ 4,900. Indeed, with the alms of $ 500 will be "saved" $ 100 in taxes, but to make it to their expense accounts throughout the operation added $ 5.400, ie more than if he had not donated. Critical
5: there are companies that require its employees to donate and thus taxes are deducted.
Possibly true.
Although official investigations are not known about it, there are several complaints in this regard and knowing of the problem affecting the local business community, are capable of. The trick is that certain gifts of "voluntary" and female employees are brought on behalf of the company, thus it prevents certain amount of taxes paid.
should be noted, however, that these miscreants would not be the responsibility of the Teleton event itself. On the other hand, was very good when public reports of these cases, say the name of the company that engages in this practice. Critical
6: The really big corporate donations and are charged to the product price.
If something has been historically characterized the local business community is not just for his sense of justice, altruism and generosity, as demonstrated when he objected very bad manners to the very idea of \u200b\u200bstructural reforms in almost forty years ago, triggering civil war that had such tragic consequences in society and Salvadoran family. Exceptions always has been, but the concept of "progressive entrepreneur" has been rather a fiction, as it continues to demonstrate the ideological level through the media and parties traditional. With this is not to say that nothing good could be expected of them, but should not lose perspective and context to discuss their initiatives.
Therefore, it seems that acts of corporate generosity shown in the telethon through the donations of thousands of dollars in cash (which are what really make it reach the target set) are planned in such a way that is ultimately the consumer who pays, that is already made at the market price of the goods or on account of commercial or institutional advertising.
This does not detract from the value of money that is contributed, but becomes a bit less romantic image.
Review 7: FUNTER full attention and does not charge patients
Yes, precisely to minimize that is to become more Telethon.
As is known, FUNTER care centers are not fully equipped, attention is not automatic for anyone who requests it and, depending on the socioeconomic status of the person, make some collections. However, rather than being an argument against the Telethon, is precisely the need for more resources, which means that this event will continue to make every year. Critical
8: companies that support the Telethon improve its image and sales.
True, although more than a criticism is an observation of the collateral benefits.
The idea is that consumers feel they are working with a good cause by purchasing a product marked with the logo of the event. In fact, this aspect is explicitly mentioned in institutional advertising "to prefer these brands, you support the telethon." Obviously, no published studies about marketing muscle, but it is logical to assume that if a company repeats its sponsorship year after year is because the strategy is working. Critical
9: not everything donated goes to the cause peaked, some cover production costs. It
possible but in any case should not be a significant amount.
is assumed that all the logistics and publicity for the Telethon event is donated by those who produce and broadcast, just as presenters and artists, as well as foreign stars are the media appeal of the show are not charging a penny for his appearance.
Ideally, that everything is one hundred percent altruistic, everything related to the production of the event should be donated from the production of wedges publicitacias to airline tickets and hotel rooms, going through all the camera crew, sound and lights on stage.
Nevertheless, there may be some inevitable payments, which are justified as a social investment for the sake of greater profit.
An interesting fact to note is that the masses who are present when the show absent when presenting statements and audits. Conclusion
The Telethon is a charitable event that also brings collateral benefits to the organizers, sponsors and public.
is neither a theft or a scam, as lightly and irresponsibility accuse their opponents, but neither is as altruistic or selfless as presented in their promoters. That said and understood
above, that each citizen is well ponder whether or not they do something beneficial if interested. And act accordingly.
Annex unpleasant
One of the sponsors of Telethon 2011 is highly selective, which on this side supports a "labor of love" while the other has kept evading corporate responsibility in the case of a woman who died accidentally electrocuted on the premises.
Before appearing on stage which generous donors of thousands of dollars, would not it be better to give compensation to the victim's family? If the amount of such compensation out their investments in a single day of display advertising, and would be enough. Besides, there are signs of journalistic manipulation for hiding the fact to the public, as media reports have indicated .
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