Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trattoria Bathroom Curtian

Influence Tribute Religon


I'm not Catholic, I was a child by family influence to grow but I left the institution and I naively that religion would never have power over my life and my decisions. Big mistake!

Supposedly since 1925 Chile split from the Catholic church, thus forming a secular state, trying to avoid the influence that religion could continue to exercise legislative issues and in the way of governing the country.


still am a witness of how the church is interfering in matters that have little or nothing to do, come to regard as an undisputed authority when deciding on the future of thousands of Chileans who do not share their ideas / ideals.

I guess the intention is not bad, do they desire to help these poor lost sheep, these Philistines in which we have become but honestly I find an opportunism and a nerve that leaves me speechless. While they remain as saints on a pedestal moral adequacy women die daily in tables for abortions performed in squalid conditions, as the priests did not even approve the use of "morning-after pill," and what about the homo sexuality, they all heretics burn in hell, the relief of euthanasia is unthinkable for them as it seems they do not know the pain of dying of cancer.

abortion is a reality, like it or not accept, instead of denying it and send continue to pray Hail Marys for penance why not put their pants and act according to the facts?. In the world only five countries prohibit any kind of induced abortion: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Malta, The State of Vatican City and Chile.

abortion in our country is classified as a crime "against family order and against public morality" in the art. 341del Penal Code, which states also the punishment that will be exposed to women who have consented, taking them a reduction in penalty if they have done to "hide their shame."

is estimated that in our country is practicing more than 159 000 abortions a year, which is directly related to policies on contraception, the iron church's decision to ignore the reality, and the two are rooted give ruling in Chile.

What the fuck gets Church?

The state is not separate from the church, though not for want of trying. The church has a nasty habit of interfering and deciding on many aspects of my life, my education, my sexuality, my body, my way to a family. If we continue with this passivity, the rate we are going we will end up with rosaries guard our ovaries.


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