Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Albrecht Dürer: A study of "Praying Hands"
1508 brush drawings on blue paper prepared
29 19.7 cm Graphische Sammlung Albertina
, Vienna
Albrecht Dürer was born in Nuremberg (Germany) in 1471. His father, a goldsmith by profession was his first teacher. Heir to the legacy of German art from the late Gothic-influenced first by the Flemish paintings of Jan van Eyck and especially Rogier van der Weyden is directed initially to an empirical concept of painting that is based primarily by observation. However, in successive trips to Italy, is also absorb new trends Renaissance. The symbiosis of both currents created a painting that is characterized by reconciling rich textures, bright colors and great detail of the north with the emphasis on mythological themes and idealized figures of Italian art.
The popular book called "Praying Hands" was one of many studies for the altar that the mayor of Frankfurt, Jacob Heller, he was commissioned for the cathedral. This particular study, conducted in detail, was destined to become the hands of one of the apostles around the empty tomb of Mary in her Assumption into heaven. Dürer worked for 13 months in the central panel of this work determined to make it as good and beautiful, "which will remain bright and fresh for five hundred years."
Unfortunately, a fire in 1729 ended the altar, but we have those hands so strong, airy and spirit to remind us that the intangible at times, too, almost touched.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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Sunday, March 27, 2011
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In the guestbook of Archbishop Romero's tomb located in the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Salvador, President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, wrote this:
"People around the world finds inspiration in the life of Archbishop Romero. Hopefully we follow his example in defending social justice and human rights."
Make this gesture is sufficient reason for a visit.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
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few days ago the current Board of Directors of the Salvadoran Chess Federation announced its next resignation and call for elections for new officers. I understand that the purpose of combating current (ie, cultural patterns of the sheep) has a limit and I understand that this is the main reason for his departure. I hope those who come to the office with the necessary prudence and discretion.
I recommend to listen to eight times national champion Boris MF Pineda and, above all, that the incoming moderate their own egos and look beyond the perennial revenge. Since my retirement healthy, well a candidate would like to preside Efrain Segura, together with honest, mature and visionary.
Directive imposing On the ledge, where my friends Marvin Guevara, Luis Liévano and Virgilio Hernandez, is to recognize that they have had successes but also errors, especially in communication and public relations. However, no think they acted with ill will, have given an example of probity, have taken some bold decisions and unfortunately they have spent much energy in defending a permanent smear campaign "made in" ... we know where. AUTHORITIES
who are elected, I sincerely hope to seize the advantage of receiving an FSA without a pair of charges and released and, above all, who can handle diplomacy but also the sovereignty of criteria necessary evil of having intrinsic " good relations "with a pair of regional characters of FIDE. Do not forget that the money that our taxes are administered and should be for national benefit, but subject to public scrutiny.
And as the great Lt. Columbo: "Oh, just one more thing!" Convince and make return Gustavo Zelaya, who need as youth chess tutor at the FSA (albeit within a framework of good tidy job and properly monitored, it Politeness does not bold).
Friday, March 25, 2011
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was sitting reading on the couch in the living room of my house, does not matter what you read but how I felt. Enjoyed an absolute peace, was quiet and peaceful, nothing bothered me and bothered me ... Suddenly I began to think that everything was an illusion, I could feel I was quiet, but the truth is you can not lie still on a world tour, unless you stop being part of it. And no matter how much people walk away, you just dying to get away from this world. I started to question things so simple, so small and yet so vital. The pictures are useless, important things remain intact within you, regardless of the weather. I felt like time stopped and life was taking new courses. I was rewriting my life, sitting in an armchair black and barefoot. The air changed, changed myself ... And nobody noticed. I was small, almost invisible against the blue and to the whole. A cosmos too big and I too ... too simple, too me. I realized the freedom and chains, I knew I was a prisoner of my freedom. My head was spinning trying to escape from the illusion of life, happiness and of sadness, all are tiny compared with the world, and I choked when I realized that. I realized over time and I knew that sooner or later disappear, and nobody would remember me, and I do not mind because it simply does not exist. Cease to be me, and nothing else would there be for me.
The anguish came over me and I changed. And none of that will.
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Novel Paul Auster
Anagrama 2010
narratives Panorama
Original title: Sunset Park 2010
Translated from English by Benito Gómez Ibáñez
278 pages
Although you can not consider novelist Paul Auster as a philosophical or as a novelist of considerable controversy, we are seeing in his latest books is growing interest in the social situation in the U.S. and in particular in the segment of population younger. If your previous novel Invisible, This concern was behind the other concerns and especially behind his essays and stories metaliterature times and with different narrators, in Sunset Park, his last novel, Auster see a dump directly into the status of some American youth and so disenchanted as the current financial crisis, evictions or media pressure in favor of the recent Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo. This is an absolutely linear novel, narrated in the present tense once that runs from fall 2008 to spring 2009.
A young character, Miles Heller, 28, gathers around him many friends and family Auster describes not so much to get into their lives, problems or feelings, to create a coral history situates us in the New York post-Bush era, compared to a generation of young people evicted them also hit by the circumstances has touched their lives, struggling to survive in an adverse world, even if it means having to pay a high price.
Miles, alive but weak temperament, he feels guilty about an unfortunate accident that took the life of his half-brother Bobby. Without explanation dropped out of school, runs away from home, and performs several jobs for seven years, the last of which led him to Florida where works for a company dedicated to clean up the houses because of mortgage defaults and foreclosures banks want to resell. Florida falls in love with Pilar, a 17 year old Cuban. However, the blackmail jealous sister, and to avoid problems with police in the Puritan American environment, Miles returned to New York in the hope that Pilar is 18 years.
Miles, will be installed in a squat in the Sunset Park district in Brooklyn with his friend Bing Nathan, Drums in a band and local owner of a curious, the "Hospital of broken things" and that Miles behind has been passing information to the family sovereign the whereabouts of his friend. The brilliant, self-conscious Alice Bergstrom preparing his doctoral thesis, and the beautiful and depressing Ellen Brice, complete the occupants of a dilapidated house where they have installed illegally with the constant fear of a visit from the police.
They are characters, smart and valuable, but at the same time sad, hurt, hopeless and increasingly less willing to find solutions. Among them, Miles is the most typically Austeriano, tormented and quiet, instead of coping flees. The weight of the family, the brilliant and independent career of her actress mother, caring father, owner of a publishing house, everything seems to contribute to increase their sense of failure.
Obviously, Auster could not conform to simple linear story. Through an ingenious set of mirrors, projecting the current situation, which followed the Second World War and does so with the movie "The Best Years of Our Lives by William Wyler that at some point all the characters in the novel have seen and that is the basis for his doctoral thesis on the works Alice.
This is not the only nod to Auster makes the culture, a language of young Miles Heller (actually a composition of Auster's daughter), we can enter the Harper Lee novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" and leads him to introduce something as blunt as "There must have been injured to become a man"
In simple language, bright, Auster takes us through 287 pages for the lives of characters and a time, but no conclusions. Nothing is closed. The characters go about their problems and concerns and we are left with the feeling of seeing see a "continue".
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"Life can be asked no more than I can give: moments tenderness, in love, surprises, nosalgia and hope. Seconds of clarity, moments to enjoy the beauty, friendship, tears and passion. Worthwhile moments "
; ; Javier Urra
What you may be asked to life?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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could mention the ghost town of Rodalquilar created from scratch to house the workers of a mining company to set up a mining plant to extract gold by chemical processes. Can still be seen today demolished houses and quaint street names such as "Street Philosopher's Stone. " The deposits of sand and chemicals, has left a curious place where you could shoot with miniature horses in a western movie in the Grand Canyon.
Driven by the speed and lack of time, used to calibrate in terms of size, these tiny plants often go unnoticed. One of the great advantages of hiking is to become a daily reality, the small detail, so tiny and different. Discovering the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata has been enjoyed and a privilege.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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was one of those moments when you just do not know what to say, the honesty of his words, the emotion in his eyes, the way he held my hand, I never would have imagined, it took me completely by surprise. During the last head had no time to think about anything, least romantic possibilities ... Usually such situations one sees them coming, they can prepare to face or simply flee. I wanted to run, I wanted to disappear, I wanted to love me and kiss me, I wanted someone to join me to this world. And he offered, but I could not use it, no matter how much he wanted to be used.
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was reassuring to be with someone I did not asked nor expected anything from me. Everyone expected that smile again, I recovered, to speak up and tell jokes. But I could not do it, not even pretending. All asking me to improve, to overcome all that happened, forget it ... And be with someone who is not pushing me or expect more than he could deliver was not only reassuring, it was sublime ...