I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and by some insistent kisses on my face, neck and hair ... I took a moment stretch, roll around a bit more in the warm sheets until they finally decided to get up. I walked into the kitchen guided by the smell and I saw him ..
not even going to explain who he is, he has never been another case anyone had doubts.
I looked and for a second I forget to breathe, the image of him just like pajama pants garment was the image he wanted to see every morning for the rest of my life when I woke up . The waves of her hair falling to her shoulders disordered, the light of morning bright light shades tore it, her skin that I knew would be warm to the touch, the small triangle of hair that extended below the belly button to get lost in the edge of his pants ... Everything in him was an invitation to love ... Really love without measure and without conditions, without reservations or compromises.
see him every morning at my side in the kitchen, shower in the room, the terrace in the room. Long view to pet him. My heart contracted by the certainty that she loved him. It was like a punch in the stomach that left me breathless, just do not feel bad, just a little scary, but in a good way ... As the dizzying ride the roller coaster, you know it can be dangerous and you get nervous, but do not see the moment you board the car and start walking.
I watched as he poured the coffee and handed me a steaming cup a smile that was just for me. My legs felt like jelly and an idiotic smile graced my face. Touched my fingers to pass the cup, just a touch warm, arguably innocent if he had not seen the way I looked when he did.
Then I woke up really, and I realized I'd lost forever, beyond any possibility.
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