you stand still, frozen, had nightmares in which listening that and always ended with me crying uncontrollably, but not now, just stood there, motionless, as if it had been a part of my heart, a few seconds to ask it all a dream, a horrible nightmare, and beg, ask, pray to God that nothing has really happened to be a lie awake and watch her eyes and her smile once more, pray, pray and pray, until no one answers and you realize it's because no one is there, just a void too intense and painful to try to fill with the word God.
looked back with nostalgia, and I found myself ... Life Before me stretched almost to breaking point. She was beautiful, and enjoying my freedom ... now it makes me anxious.
do not fear death, or what I can find beyond if it is believed it, we fear the void left by the thought that no one will remember us when we're gone, we fear the uncertainty of not knowing if we cry or we will miss, feel no need to fear the same fear that the end of the day have when you are alive.
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