I have to confess that started with many prejudices against Almería as a place to spend a few days hiking. Aggregates and varied landscape of Tabernas which became famous as plateaux running of many, and not always good westerns, did not attract me at all, let alone the seas of plastic greenhouses where thousands of undocumented immigrants often leave the skin and contribute to the recent prosperity of the province of Andalusia.
natural park of Cabo de Gata just knew that this is an area of \u200b\u200bvolcanic origin rugged and largely uninhabited. Once again confirms that
"seeing is believing." So amazingly happy return of the area, its white villages, colorful beaches, vegetation, their tiny coves, basalt formations, sea, and cleaning its skies, which immediately took the decision to return to as soon as I can.
can speak the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Nijar several perspectives: the impact guidebooks lot about the different rock formations resulting from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago: gray dacite, andacitas dark garnet rock, oolitic rock holes as a Swiss cheese, basalt formations in the form of organ pipes, but close enough to a beach and pick up pebbles along the centuries, the sea has polished colored gemstones to realize that we are in an area that has undergone profound changes as a result of the volcanoes ..
could mention the ghost town of Rodalquilar created from scratch to house the workers of a mining company to set up a mining plant to extract gold by chemical processes. Can still be seen today demolished houses and quaint street names such as "Street Philosopher's Stone. " The deposits of sand and chemicals, has left a curious place where you could shoot with miniature horses in a western movie in the Grand Canyon.
Or maybe take refuge in the quaintness of windmills, water wheels, the cisterns and defensive towers that dot the coast
if something has caught my attention was powerful vegetation. I found a place empty of trees outside of a few eucalyptus and some pitas but an abundant vegetation in full bloom in February. One of the advantages of walking is that you can stop and examine plants, flowers photographs, learn from the mouth of your companions new names: the rock rose, rock rose and white, lavender, thyme and rosemary, the Yellow sea daisy ( asteriscus maritimus), the asphodel, broom and gorse, the dawn, the evergreens and hidden orchids are no longer a mystery. Even the jujube tree, called so loud, huge hedgehog plant that now conceals the spines spring after tiny yellow flowers. Rampant vegetation, which will exploit the loophole of moisture, palms and cacti that store water and flowering agave once released into the air his flower stem lake and die, giving rise to new plants.
Driven by the speed and lack of time, used to calibrate in terms of size, these tiny plants often go unnoticed. One of the great advantages of hiking is to become a daily reality, the small detail, so tiny and different. Discovering the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata has been enjoyed and a privilege.
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