Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hygeia Condom Goodie Box

coal mining project:

Riesco Island, Magallanes, Region XII, Chilean Patagonia;

During these days there was the approval to the first of five mega coal mining projects in the open, to take these out the diverse fauna and flora that has Riesco Island suffer harm impossible to reverse.

Isla Riesco coal deposits has, unfortunately for removal would be necessary to destroy a privileged environment in terms of animals that live there and Patagonian forests.

Riesco Island is the fourth largest island in Chile, part of it is Alacalufe National Reserve, has mountains, forests, glaciers, glaciers, fjords, lakes, wetlands, valleys, etc, being a place with diverse ecosystems, providing landscape of immeasurable beauty. It is home to the huemul, puma, condor, coypus, wild cat, different types of foxes, etc.. And more than 66 species of birds. In their living and feed costs are 4 types of dolphins, wolf and elephant seals, penguins and whales, highlighting the humpback whale. Their productive activities are sheep and cattle on 30 farms, adventure tourism, natural, contemplation and rural fishing and fish farming.

carbon energy is an extremely polluting in its use but cheap extraction, it is the latter quality that draws the attention of eager entrepreneurs money and indifferent to the destruction.

The idea is to draw 6 million tons per year for at least 12 years. Ie 73 million tonnes in 12 years working nonstop. The system will pit open, ie a big hole to exploit 3,900 meters long, 1,615 wide and a depth of 180 meters , almost 500 hectares pit. Directly impact 1,500 hectares including the pit, 3 huge dumps of material 60 meters high, mining, roads where machines circulated extraction and transport trucks, etc. be felled more than 400 hectares of native forest , drying of the ponds on the island, elimination of wetlands, pollution of air, soil and water by coal dust, water, acid, chemical, emissions.

Meanwhile the Government of Chile has publicly expressed interest in approving the project, the President of the Republic Sebastian Piranha, sorry Piñera has forgotten campaign promise, one in which it undertook to promote the use of clean and clean.

The coal to be extracted from Isla Riesco be taken directly to the power plants in northern Mexico, supplying at least 30% of Chile's need for coal. Ie will be a chain link in the total pollution from their holding, transfer and use.

Employers use the excuse of creating jobs, economic development and energy independence, when these companies all they do is cause pollution and destroy the main source of jobs in that area.


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